
Important Dates

  • Your date could be here.
  • June 14th, Brandon's Graduation from UW

Friday, April 27, 2007

Welcome to the Cronk Family Blog

I hate saving emails or printing them out. We can use the blog to post messages for everyone to see and then we can post comments as well. I am very willing to do the main posting if you can't figure out how to do it. Then all you have to do is read and comment. You can only get to this blog if you type in the address. No one can find it by searching for "Cronk Family". You can also post pictures if you would like and people can right click to save. Please comment to this post if you have questions and I can answer them right back.


Mary said...

Hey Virginia--
this is cool! thanks for setting up the blog. I think it's a great idea. Good way to keep in touch.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Glen and family are going to a wedding in Yakima on May 5th, Agnes's Birthday. Let us know if you'll be home Friday or Sunday and we'll try to catch up with you as we fly by.
Now do I have to go back and delete my post when it becomes old news?
God bless you. Love Glen

Anonymous said...

If you want it deleted you can do that if you sign up and log in. Go to edit posts and you can delete or edit. The first page will only keep 15 posts so they won't show after a while but will be saved.