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  • June 14th, Brandon's Graduation from UW

Friday, April 27, 2007

Food for the Shin-dig

I once was in a conversation where this was the main topic of discussion but I don't remember what the outcome was. If you know please comment for us all to see.


virginia said...

I deleted Jenny's comment because she commented on the wrong post. She reposted it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody--
Here is my idea for the food:
Friday we plan menu and go shopping.
Saturday we slice, dice, cook or whatever to get food ready.
Sunday we party.
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Mary, that sounds like a good idea and I think what others have talked about doing. I am willing to help out on Saturday for either shopping or prep. Valerie was thinking of some ladies that may be willing to work in the kitchen as well.